Where is the Best Western Plus La Demeure hotel located?

The Best Western Plus La Demeure is located at 51 Boulevard Saint-Marcel in the 13 th arrondissement of Pais, next to the Jardin des Plantes and the Quartier Latin .

Is the Best Western Plus La Demeure hotel equipped to accommodate the disabled?

Yes the Best Western Plus La Demeure hotel is equipped to welcome handicapped persons. You can contact us for more information.

What is the rate for one night at Best Western Plus La Demeure?

Rates for one night at the Best Western Plus La Demeure vary according to the period chosen and the category of the room. Please consult our reservation calendar.

What are the check-in and check-out times at the Best Western Plus La Demeure Hotel?

Check-in at the Best Western Plus Hotel La Demeure is from 14:00 and check-out is possible until 12:00.

What are the arrival and departure times at the Best Western Plus La Demeure hotel?

Arrivals at the Best Western Plus La Demeure hotel are from 14:00 and departures are possible until 12:00.

Does Best Western Plus La Demeure offer free wifi?

Yes the Best Western Plus La Demeure offers free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel.

Are pets allowed at Best Western Plus La Demeure?

Yes pets are welcome at Best Western Plus La Demeure, do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Is the Best Western Plus La Demeure located downtown?

Yes the Best Western Plus La Demeure is in the centre of Paris, on the Left Bank, in the 13th arrondissement.

What is the closest metro station to the Best Western Plus La Demeure?

These subway stations are a few steps from the Best Western Plus La Demeure hotel:
- Les Gobelins, line 7
- Campo-Formio, line 5
- Saint-Marcel, line 5

What is the nearest parking lot to Best Western Plus La Demeure?

Le Best Western Plus La Demeure offers you its private secure parking, contact us for more information.

How do I get to Best Western Plus La Demeure from Orly airport?

From Orly airport:
- By public transport : 60 min : Orlybus (26 min) to Denfert-Rochereau then Bus 59 stop les Gobelins (7min) then walk 5 min to the hotel.
- By taxi or Uber : 30 minutes

How do I get to Best Western Plus La Demeure from Charles de Gaulle Airport?

From Charles de Gaulle airport:
- By public transport: 80min: CDGVal, RER B to Gare du Nord, Metro line 5 to Campo-Formio and then walk 5 min to the hotel.
- By taxi or VTC: 60 minutes

What is the distance / travel time between the Best Western Plus La Demeure and Orly airport?

The distance between the Best Western Plus La Demeure and Orly airport is 14 km.
The travel time between the Best Western Plus La Demeure and Orly airport is about 65 minutes by public transport and 30 minutes by VTC or Taxi.

What is the distance / travel time between Best Western Plus La Demeure and Charles de Gaulle Airport?

The distance between the Best Western Plus La Demeure and Charles de Gaulle Airport is 30 km.
The travel time between the Best Western Plus La Demeure and Charles de Gaulle airport is about 75 min by public transport and 60 min by VTC or Taxi.

What is the distance / travel time between Best Western Plus La Demeure and Gare Saint-Lazare?

The Saint-Lazare train station is located 6 km from the Best Western Plus La Demeure, 30 minutes by public transport or 35 minutes by VTC or Taxi.

What is the distance / travel time between Best Western Plus La Demeure and Gare de Lyon?

The Gare de Lyon is located 1.7 km from the Best Western Plus La Demeure, 22 minutes on foot, 20 minutes by metro (line 5 is direct to the hotel) or 17 minutes by taxi or VTC.

What is the distance / travel time between Best Western Plus La Demeure and Gare de L'Est?

The Gare du l'Est train station is located 5 km from the Best Western Plus La Demeure, 23 minutes by metro (lines 5 and 7 are direct) or 33 minutes by taxi or VTC.

What is the distance / travel time between Best Western Plus La Demeure and Gare du Nord?

The Gare du Nord is located 5.5 km from the Best Western Plus La Demeure, 25 minutes by metro (line 5 is direct) or 38 minutes by taxi or VTC.

What is the distance / travel time between Best Western Plus La Demeure and Gare Montparnasse?

Gare Montparnasse is located 3 km from the Best Western Plus La Demeure, 34 minutes by bus (line 91 is direct) or 21 minutes by taxi or VTC.

What are the tourist activities close to the Best Western Plus La Demeure?

The Best Western Plus La Demeure is located near the Jardin de Plantes, the Pantheon and the lively Quartier Latin.

How many rooms are there at Best Western Plus La Demeure?

The Best Western Plus La Demeure offers 42 recently renovated rooms.

What types of accommodation are available at Best Western Plus La Demeure?

The Best Western Plus La Demeure offers 4 types of rooms:
- The Classic Double Room
- The Superior Double Room
- The Junior Suite
- The Triple Room

Is there a coffee machine in the rooms of Best Western Plus La Demeure?

Rooms at Best Western Plus La Demeure are equipped with a Nespresso coffee machine and a tea set.

What is the equipment in the bathrooms of the Best Western Plus La Demeure?

The bathrooms of the Best Western Plus La Demeure are equipped with a shower or bathtub depending on the category, and coded toiletries.

Can we have breakfast at the Best Western Plus La Demeure?

Yes, breakfast is served at Best Western Plus La Demeure, as a buffet in the room or express.

Until what time is breakfast served at Best Western Plus La Demeure?

Breakfast at the Best Western Plus La Demeure is served from 7am to 10:30am for the Buffet and Continental and from 6am to 12pm for the Express.

Is there a gym at Best Western Plus La Demeure?

Yeah, there's a gym at Best Western Plus La Demeure. It is a bright and well equipped gym, open 24 hours a day.

Is there Room Service at Best Western Plus La Demeure?

Yes, there's room service at Best Western Plus La Demeure.

Does the Best Western Plus La Demeure Hotel offer a laundry service?

Yes Hotel Best Western Plus La Demeure offers a laundry service to its guests.

How do I contact Best Western Plus La Demeure?

You can contact the Best Western Plus La Demeure by phone at +33 1 43 37 81 25 or by email at

What are the hygiene and cleaning measures in place at Best Western Plus La Demeure?

Our team at Best Western Plus La Demeure has a Health Risk Management certification. We have put in place all the necessary actions to ensure a safe stay: reinforced disinfection process, hydroalcoholic gel, respect for barrier gestures and the layout of the services.

Is there a SPA at Best Western Plus La Demeure?

Yes the Best Western Plus La Demeure offers you its Spa Codage Wellness area, within the hotel.

Is there a sauna at Best Western Plus La Demeure?

Yes, there's a sauna at the Best Western Plus La Demeure Spa.

What are the treatments offered at Codage Spa at Best Western Plus La Demeure?

The Codage Spa at the Best Western Plus La Demeure offers you
- Sauna
- Experience Shower
- Massage and body modelling
- Face Care
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